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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Pickled Cabbage: How To Choose It For Health

Pickled Cabbage greens are made by taking whole or cut cabbage or other types of mustard greens that have health benefits gone through a food preservation process by fermenting or pickling to get pickled mustard greens with a sour and salty taste. It is popularly

Risk factors for bronchitis that you may doing without knowing it

Risk factors for bronchitis that you may doing without knowing it Smoking or inhaling smoke, pungent odors, chemicals, dust and irritants May cause harmful effects leading. What is bronchitis? Dr. Somsak Ankasilp, Director-General of the Department of Medical Services, revealed that is a disease related to

9 dangerous signs of “kidney stones” disease

9 dangerous signs of “kidney stones” disease adult relatives or even many young working people around Starting to have this disease more and more every time. But before, if talking about kidney disease Still will understand more. When suffering from “kidney stones”, many people secretly wonder how it

When should people with genital warts see a doctor?

When should people with genital warts see a doctor? This is something that we should not overlook. When lesions are found or abnormalities. That are suspect to lesions of genital warts. Should hurry to see doctor for treatment or reduce the spread of the disease to spread to other